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Xpander Communications Client Experiences

Client Experience

We have a list of references in an array of industries with contact information immediately available upon request. Simply contact us.

Is your business experiencing some of the following problems? If so, we have helped many people in your situation who are now operating at maximum efficiency.

Company: Bond Trade Company
Industry: Banking and Finance

Problems Solved by Xpander:
Ø Confused about the best way to use VoiP
Ø Over spending on long distance and international calling
Ø Antiquated PBX phone system costing high maintenance
Ø Lacking multi-location integration of phone and data networks

Company: Airplane Parts
Industry: Large Distributor

Problems Solved by Xpander:
Ø No relationship or guidance with current vendors on how to improve technology
Ø Located in South Florida, disaster recovery and redundancy not in place
Ø Lacking integration of data network and voice network between office sites
Ø PBX phone system was 15 years old, virtually extinct and falling apart

Company: Logistics Company
Industry: Freight Logistics

Problems Solved by Xpander:
Ø Lacking ability to support mobile agents and work from home agents
Ø Over spending on local, long distance, and internet
Ø Confused about the best way to use VoiP
Ø No relationship or guidance with current vendors on how to improve bottom line

Company: Health Company
Industry: Healthcare

Problems Solved by Xpander:
Ø Lacking proper video conferencing and live meeting capabilities for branch offices
Ø Lacking seamless data network between office sites
Ø PBX phone system maxed out prohibiting growth

These are some of the problems we have seen that many companies are dealing with. We are here to make a difference in your organization and provide the ultimate client experience. Contact us today!

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