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Internet Services by Xpander Communications

Internet Services

Turbo Boost Your Internet

The necessity to reliably access the internet is more important than ever, and the uses for your internet connection are multiplying exponentially. Having the wrong internet connection will in fact slow your business down and prevent you from taking advantage of new and powerful technology. The increasing trend in high speed internet demand has caused internet prices to drop significantly in favor of small, medium, and large businesses.

Quick Fact: VoiP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) technology will fail if your internet connection is not strong enough!

Speed and Strength

We provide the fastest and most reliable internet service available to businesses. Our promise is backed in writing by leading SLAs (Service Level Agreement) providing you the best uptime, packet delivery, and latency guarantee in the U.S. If you are looking for the highest level of speed and reliability from your internet connection, then this is the place to find it!

Examples of technology that requires a premium internet connection:

Ø VoiP (Voice over IP)
Ø VPN (Virtual Private Networking)
Ø Web Server Hosted on Office Network
Ø File Server Hosted on Office Network
Ø Database Server Hosted on Office Network
Ø Remote Access
Ø Multi-location Integration

Browse our internet services for any size or type business. Not sure what type of internet service you need? GET HELP!

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